"There is always the promise of freedom wherever you all may roam. Keep the faith and walk the edge."

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Why do I always get caught up in stupid situations?

This morning, I decided to take an earlier bus to get to work early (one of those crazy early morning decisions!). With my hair still disheveled from last night’s incomplete slumber, I threw on an oversized brown sweater and jeans and ran to catch the bus. Normally when I have music blaring into my ears, I’m untroubled by conversations; however today, by some stupid twist of fate, I noticed that the driver was trying to talk to me. As always, I played the good listener, listened to his early morning blues (or at least pretended to), smiled and continued to sleep with my eyes open. 15 minutes and a random conversation later (which involved him telling me how it’s nice to have music on the bus amongst other dull commuters), I reached my stop. He mouthed the words “I like you” and handed me a brown note with his name and number hastily scribbled over it as I walked out. Caught off guard (plus it was 6:30 a.m!), I just stopped for a moment, stared at the note in my hand and walked out.

Later, I couldn’t help but wonder if I had spurred him on into doing that. Maybe I should just keep my mouth shut and frown next time?


BestDeals said...

heheheheheh, thats outrageous and hilarious at the same time, now the time comes that drivers of shuttle falls on you ;)

Anonymous said...

haha bus driver hiting on you :P. I dont think you did anything wrong, you were being nice by acting like you listen to him their is nothing wrong in that.

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